Leefstijl Diabetes is a largescale project of Tilburg University that aims to diminish the symptoms of type 2 diabetes or even reverse the disease entirely!

Interested? Continue reading for more information, or sign up to participate here!

More information?

What do we want to do?

Do you want to live a healthy life, but do daily struggles and stress make it hard for you to maintain a healthy lifestyle?

We wish to find out how we can make this easier!

Leefstijl is erg belangrijk in type 2 diabetes. Voor een groot deel van de patiënten (maar niet alle!) kan een gezonde leefstijl helpen bij het controleren van bloedsuikers en zelfs het omkeren van deze ziekte. Daarom zijn we geïnteresseerd in uw ervaringen en willen we graag met u samenwerken om meer inzicht te krijgen in de psychologische aspecten van leefstijlverandering bij type 2 diabetes.

Why should you participate?

You will be a big help to us and science in general! As a thank you, you will also be invited to fun meetings (with lunch!). Get up to date with the latest diabetes news, meet other people with type 2 diabetes, and share tips and tricks! You also get a summary of all results.

Who are we looking for?

We are looking for people who meet the following criteria:

  • You have type 2 diabetes
  • You are 18 years or older
  • You speak Dutch or English

How does the project work?

To gain a comprehensive understanding of the daily challenges faced by people with type 2 diabetes, we collect data in various ways and would love to hear your opinion on different solutions! We do this through questionnaires (quantitative data) and interviews (qualitative data). The insights we gather will be used to design an app, which we are developing in collaboration with people like you!

In the final phase, the app will be tested, and you might be selected to participate in this testing group!

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